How we work


advisory service

We focus on your key business imperatives. Our way of working is to work with and through your leadership team, so they ‘own’ the result. Knowledge transfer happens as an integral part of our approach and your own leadership team will develop in skills and confidence through this assignment. 



Masterclass are a catalyst for change. In the Masterclass, we bring our expertise on a specific topic to you and your team in a classroom-like setting.  One-to-one follow-up is conducted to ensure the change is embedded.


mentoring / coaching

CIO Connect’s mentoring and coaching is delivered as part of an overall leadership initiative to a board, business peers or department or on an individual basis.



CIO Connect has developed, over many years, a programme that takes IT leaders through key leadership transitions. In recognition of today’s leaders workload the programme has been restructured to include a combination of video conference modules, face to face lectures and case study work.